Thursday, October 28, 2010

Epic Updates 17: Gravity???

Do you ever find that chairs, couches, beds, walls, the floor, and that cookie seem to have their own gravitational pull, especialy when your tierd (or hungry). That would be something I'd ask Mythbusters about. Mostly because it sounds like a lot of work to test and stuff. Here's my newest typo that I like. SHUP!!! It means shut up in one convienent word. Or if your a grammar freak, SHU'P!!!(I added an apostrophe for you nerds...XD) I have a new nickname that I don't like. Emooly. The girl who sits behind me in science thought it was funny to mash my name up with moo. (In case you didn't know, my first name is Emily, I just like Miffle better...) Thus Emooly was born.

I'm being a lime green devil thing for halloween. Puffeh pigtails, green little horns, a green t-sirt, and jeans. Oh, and now anything that ends with a y or ie is now eh, so Emileh, cookeh, puppeh, birdeh, bunneh, puffeh, Mommeh, and so on. I haz runned out of thingz 2 say, so i willz b bak l8r. MIFFLE OUT(and srry 4 mai speeling!!!)

Monday, October 25, 2010

Epic Updates 16

If you see me (epicmiffle) arond on, say hi. Here are some random creations... enjoy.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Epic Updates 15

I didn't have a good day. It was pouring, for one thing. Like really hard, and it still is now. In chorus this morning we got into groups and had to sing a song infrot of the class. We couldn't think of anything so we sang ROY G. BIV from science class. Go watch it, its awesome XD. Speaking of science, today  i had to dicect an eyeball. I don't want to relive the smelly disgustingness. Miffle out. 

The Greatest Dictionary Ever Made

meh; (n)(adj.); a verbal shrug of the shoulders; don't care; any word you want
EX: Did you like the movie? Meh.
Do you want dinner? Meh.
Hey, when does the movie start? Meh.

Pretty awesome right? I know.

Friday, October 15, 2010

I'm Didn't Die...

I just have been uber busy for the last... long time. Sure. Now if you are a girl, theres a really cool website called Girls Go Games (or They have dress up games, animal games, platform games, house designer games, random quizes and more. Find one you like! My top three are: Animal Shelter, My New Room 2 and Personal Monster Chekcer. Find your faves today!!!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Epic Updates 14

I just finished reading a book called Smoky the Cowhorse by Will James. Its about the life of a horse, and his adventures. I think I cried through the last 3 chapeters because he was abused, but then brought back to the cowboy he loved. I really sugest reading it. Its really good once you get used to reading the dielect. Miffle out.