Monday, February 28, 2011

Epic Updates 31: Ummm... HI?

So bored, don't have much to say. The Lit page wasn't working as well as I'd hoped so gimme awhile on that... sooo, yeah. The fishin one is soooooo sad. I feel bad for him. The hug one represents the softer side of my friend Alexis. But I laugh at the prospect of her ever keeping that promise. Bye.
~~"Keep looking. Maybe you'll find someone who cares."-Squidward~~

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Epic Updates 31: Full of Holes

Here's a question for all you very smart people: How can something be full of holes? How does that work? I mean I understand what its saying and all but physicly, is that even possible? I'm confuzzled.

I'm working on a story!!! It's called Kosetsu Ninja and the Woodstock Agency. I'll post what I have written so far. Tell me if its too confusing, because thats's what Henry said. It's also UNFINISHED. If you don't get something, comment and I'll explain/ tell you if it will be explained later. It is an UNFINISHED ROUGH DRAFT. There will be problems!!!! Kosetsu Ninja is a white tiger cub who was captured from the wild. (Kosetsu Ninja means snow ninja in Japanese) She is found by a crazy pet store owner who sells her to Emily Woodstock, a 13 year old girl. (Coincidence? I think not.) Emily has a billion pets, from cats and dogs to owls and snakes. And at night, thse pets run... A SECRET SPY AGENCY!!!! Yay!!! No really.

This brings me to... OUR NEW LITERATURE PAGE!!! All the stories I'm writing, poems, book reviews, ect. It will be awesome. Also, I'm going to put up a Hall of Shame for Annoying Traits. All those things you can't stand about your friends. Comment them. Why not?

Ummm.... thats really all I have right now. So, uh... bye!!!!
PS: I'm gonna put a quote of the day at the bottom of every post!!!

~~"Last night I lay in bed looking up at the stars, and I thought, where the heck is the celing?!"~~