Okay so Capcom said they have NO plans to localize AAI2 which is stupid. Fan forums are all ticked off. Really why not? It's like they don't want our money. I don't think they realize how big of a fan base the US actually has. And then people want an GS5.(Gyakuten Saiban which is Ace Attorney in Japanese!) Which should be an Apollo Justice. For many reasons.
1: There so much room for development in the characters, not to mention loose ends. I mean, Phoenix still has to tell Polly and Trucy that their siblings!!!
2: There's not enough room left in the Phoenix Wright story line. I don't think that by the time he's dissbarred they can fit 5 cases. Or even four.
3: They can't just not finish the story. Its like dangling a carrot infront of a rabbit and then pulling it away. "Ooh here's a great story just BEGGING for a sequel, BUT NO! You can't have it! Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah!" xD
And then people gotta go and kick him whiles he's down. Several people said the cases were to easy. For one they were just enough easier that I accutly enjoyed the game more, as said prevoiusly. But its not like they can't change that. Go and give him a good old PW case with so many turns not even Theseus could escape the labrith that is a PW case. Even IF you gave him a magic string.
BACK to the more pressing matter of Mr. Edgeworth.Its out in Japan, and Capcom has no plans for localization. And then http://www.court-records.net/ has all the screenshots and profiles and stuff up that are just begging for me to go and spoil myself. And I still havent heard back about my Larry...
Poor Butz. All he want's to do is give you samurai dogs and play Santa at an embassy.... poor guy even has to work with Oldbag. Twice. So Capcom you better tranlate that game before I go crazy. And GS5 better be Polly. Don't forget to vote on the polls at the bottom of the page, see the previous post for more details. *sigh* Ima say it again. WANT NEW GAMES NOW!!!! Please comment if you want AAI2 localized. For my sanity or yours. ;)