Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Epic Updates 34: Game Day!!!

Hey, supness people! Lets be happy I found something to talk about!!! *confetti rain* Today I think its time I thought you the game me and my friends play all the time.

The Random Game!!!
 What you need:
     A creative mind, friends with creative minds(2-3)
How To Play:
1) Declare the offical start of the game with a completey random word (ex; taco, moocow, bacon, ect)
2)Your friends should follow by saying almost random words, it should be sort of related (ex; taco! Mexico! Spain! Switzerland! Germany! Weinershnitzel! Corndog! Mustard! Mayo! Tartar sause! Spongebob! Jimmy Neutron! Robo Puppeh! C3PO! R2D2! Chewy! Ewok! Johnaton's Dog! Ugly! Justin Beiber! ect...) i think you get the point... you are only allowed to use each word 1 time!!!
3)If you don't understand how certian words are connected, ask for an explanation (ex: Pon and Zi! Cell Phone! What? I have pon and zi on my cell phone. Ok.) DO NOT allow the explanations: "It was connected to --insert previous word here-- which is connected to this word" "Because I said it was!" or "they rhyme"
4) If you have to use one of those bad explanations, its time to call "SHINANANANAMAGINSS!!!" (your only allowed to do this once) Instead of giving a related word, give a completey random one, then chalange the next person to find a connection. (ex: brussel sprouts! ...shinanananamaggins! moocows! hmm... they can both live on a farm!)
Winning the Game:
Once you've been playing a while, you'll start to run out of words, and people will start calling shananananamaggins. Once a person cant give a good explanation for their word and has allready used up their 1 shanananamaggins, their out. You win if you are the last person and you can connect the word your on to the word you started with (like in a shananamaggins). If you can't do that within 30 seconds, pick a player to bring back in. Play with both shananamaggins and repeat as many times as nessasary!


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