Friday, May 20, 2011

Epic Updates 40: PONY!!!! xD

Actuly its a horse. An apendix quarter horse to be exact. This is Sami's horse and its pretty. His name is Pegasus. I went to her horse camp thing with her and petted him while she named all the muscles. He's soft. I didn't ride him though. But I gave him hay. FUN!!! Jk... Anyways I is throwing a partay tomm for my bday. Its will be funness. Sry im so BOOMM so I'z haz funness with mai grummar. xD And speeling... so yea. um bai i geuss!!!

Wait!!! I thought of stuff!!! So today in science we talked about muscles. My teacher had us moving our arms and stuff so we could feel our muscles move. He said "If you cant feel your muscle, then you've got too much fat." So Ducky (the girl who sits next to me) looks in my general direction and I say, "What dont look at me!!!" She wasn't looking at me but it was still funny... if it doesn't seem funny than you had to be there. And then he had us feeling our gluteus maximus o_0 or rather just above it. Well Ben sits all the way in the back, and most of the girls in front of him. So when someone asked why he wasn't standing up he said, "Why should I? I totaly get the drift. See, the veiw is perfect!" xC Ew. Creep. Really Ben? Why?

Ok now I'm done... BAI!!!
~~I lost the game!!!~~ my devious mind

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