I have nothing to write about so a made a Harry Potter quiz. Yea I got boomm. So no cheating. Yay.
1) What is Ron's middle name?
A: Robert
B: Barney
C: Billius
D: Arthur
2) What makes Harry and Hermionie travel back in time?
A: A braclet called Time Traveler
B: An hourglass called the Time Tamperer
C: An extremely advanced spell
D: A necklace called the Time Turner
3) What test to get to the Sorcerer's Stone was left out of the first movie?
A: The Potion test
B: The flying key test
C: There was no test left out
D: The wizard's Chess test
4) What was scared on Harry's hand by Umbridge's quill?
A: I respect Professer Umbridge
B: I must not tell lies
C: I will not speak out of turn
D: I am a worthless peice of dragon dung
5)Who of the following was NOT petrified by the basilisk?
A: Mrs. Norris
B: Hagrid
C: Nearly Hedless Nick
D: Hermionie
6) In the second chalange of the Triwizard Tournament, who must Fleur save?
A: Ron
B: Bill
C: Gabriele (her little sister)
D: Ginny
7) Who is the Half Blood Prince?
A: Slughorn
B: Lucius Malfoy
C: Dumbledore
D: Snape
8) What is Hermione's patronus?
A: a rabbit
B: an otter
C: a giraffe
D: a tiger
9) Where is the passage to the Shreiking Shack?
A: Behind the statue of the one eyed whitch
B: Behind an enchanted tapestry
C: In the third floor corridor
D: In the Whomping Willow
10) Which of the following is NOT a horcrux?
A: The invisibility cloak
B: Nagini the snake
C: Ravenclaw's Diadem
D: Tom Riddle's diary
How'd you do? I comented the answers so check there. Here's how you'd stack up.
1-3: Fail. T for you!!! T= troll in the wizarding grade system btw. NOT good...
4-6: Ok, but not very good. You probably didn't read the books, and you've only seen the movies a few times.
7-8: Awesome. You probably relied on the movies for this though.
9-10: Hey good job. Either you cheated or you read the books and watch the movies. And live and breathe this stuff. Like me...
Here are the answers: