Friday, July 29, 2011

Epic Updates 48: NEW GAMES... and no 3DS...

A new harvest moon, the laton vs phoenix AND the next AA Investigations?!!! O hey look! the investigations says DS not 3DS!!! The only problem is... its still in Japanese. And I can't read forgin... darn it. They'll port it soon enough I'm sure... I hope... wait I just read something that said it would be to expensive... OH PLEASE TRANSLATE IT!!! Pretty please with sugar on top. I saw screen shots and it looks really good. Now we just sit and wait (not patiently) for a Apollo Justice 2. They better translate that. Or I could just learn Japanese. That would help me... XD Heh. Aparently Phoenix and the Steel Samurai are going to be in the Marvel vs. Capcom 3. Or so I've heard. I don't know any more. All I know is that I've been ready for this Layton/AA for ever. Here's a link to the trailer. WITH subtitles. Thank God! Been waiting for those too. It looks EPIC. I'd make a great movie too. OH! And they are making an AA movie. Live action. But I bet a million dollar its... in JAPANESE. Thats just how it works right? UGGG. Too much waiting. So I'm going to go wait else where... *sniffle* want new games NOW!!!
~~"I believe the proper phrase is, you fail." - Miles Edgeworth AAI1

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Epic Updates 47: HARRY POTTER 7 part 2!!!!

IT WAS AWSUM! Ima try not to give anything away. I saw it twice. SUPER COOL. Wow. Ummm, its hard not to give anything away while being REALLY excited. UMMMM so yea!

I found this cool Ace Attorney fan website. Here it is.

Umm... I drew a picture for the site too. I'm not sure if they like it or not...
It's of Larry Butz. I'm rather proud of it.

SOOOO. I think I'm done for now. LATER!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Epic Updates 46: Supsause

I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO boomm. I'm sorry I don't have any thing 2 talk about. I'm waitin 2 go to the beach soon. Yea. SO! Im sittin at my friends house, starring at a wall. Waiting. These fish better be exciting...

(l:l)<*< Youv'e been ninja'd. Something exciting needs to happen in my life or you guys are gonna get boomm'd to death. I went to the pool today... and played Phoenix Wright, and slept, and had a subway sandwich. And NACHOS. UGGGGG so bored. Nobody has commented any ideas for me to talk about. PLZ anything!!!! Send me art, stoires, poems, ANYTHING (appropriate) Email me. PLZ! @!!! 

~~"Do unto others before they do unto you!!!"~~ Mike Meekins- Phoenix Wright: Justice for All

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Epic Updates 45: boomm

So boomm, I couldn't think of any thing to write about. So umm... yea. uh.... pie? I drew a green moocow. Its purple too. Ima make bananananananananana cookies. Umm so... im still working on the cc&c. I have a lot of work to do. Like scaning about 50 more paper fashions.... uploading art, procrastinating.... yea. But the page is very pretty. I finished that. Its white and like the color behind my moo cow. Very pretty. Yea. This is probably boring for you 2 so BAI. Oh wait. You guys are probably sick of these boomm posts. So gimme something to talk about. Comment ideas plz!!!! THanks. BYE