I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO boomm. I'm sorry I don't have any thing 2 talk about. I'm waitin 2 go to the beach soon. Yea. SO! Im sittin at my friends house, starring at a wall. Waiting. These fish better be exciting...
(l:l)<*< Youv'e been ninja'd. Something exciting needs to happen in my life or you guys are gonna get boomm'd to death. I went to the pool today... and played Phoenix Wright, and slept, and had a subway sandwich. And NACHOS. UGGGGG so bored. Nobody has commented any ideas for me to talk about. PLZ anything!!!! Send me art, stoires, poems, ANYTHING (appropriate) Email me. PLZ! @ epical.emily@gmail.com!!!
~~"Do unto others before they do unto you!!!"~~ Mike Meekins- Phoenix Wright: Justice for All