A new harvest moon, the laton vs phoenix AND the next AA Investigations?!!! O hey look! the investigations says DS not 3DS!!! The only problem is... its still in Japanese. And I can't read forgin... darn it. They'll port it soon enough I'm sure... I hope... wait I just read something that said it would be to expensive... OH PLEASE TRANSLATE IT!!! Pretty please with sugar on top. I saw screen shots and it looks really good. Now we just sit and wait (not patiently) for a Apollo Justice 2. They better translate that. Or I could just learn Japanese. That would help me... XD Heh. Aparently Phoenix and the Steel Samurai are going to be in the Marvel vs. Capcom 3. Or so I've heard. I don't know any more. All I know is that I've been ready for this Layton/AA for ever. Here's a link to the trailer. WITH subtitles. Thank God! Been waiting for those too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpxEQIe5jdw It looks EPIC. I'd make a great movie too. OH! And they are making an AA movie. Live action. But I bet a million dollar its... in JAPANESE. Thats just how it works right? UGGG. Too much waiting. So I'm going to go wait else where... *sniffle* want new games NOW!!! ~~"I believe the proper phrase is, you fail." - Miles Edgeworth AAI1
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