From left to right, we have Ash, Cam, Dirk, Hiro, Kana, and Mikhail. SO HERE WE GO. Ash. He's just meh. Kinda boring. He takes care of the animals his mother sells in Bluebell. He's nice, I guess, I don't really know. I've talked to him, like what? TWICE? Cam. Oh my god, Alexis I DON'T GET IT!!! All he fricken talks about is FLOWERS. I mean really how girly is that! And he doesn't smile! Well unless you give him a gift, which really dumb. He is kinda cute though. Moving on. DIRK!!! WHY THE HECK ARE YOU HERE! What happened? Are you cheating on the Grand Bazaar me?! (I married him in Grand Bazaar) Arrrrgh! HIRO ID MAH HERO!!! Eeeeee, he's so cute! Alexis thinks I'm pedo-ing, but he's soooooooooo sweet! And he uses BIG words, like PLEASURABLE and CONVERSE. He finds it PLEASUREABLE to CONVERSE with me. xD You know what I've always wondered? Why the word big is such a small word. I mean, small is a longer word than big! Same with TALL and SHORT? WUWT? Anyways, I <3 Hiro. I have him up to BLUE FLOWER!!! Next, is Kana. Sam would love this dude. ALL HE TALKS ABOUT IS HORSES!!! OMG it's Hayate this and Hayate that. And what kind of name is Hayate? I named my horse SAMICH. xD Regardless, he is~ pretty. xD ERGO *von Karma snap* I have him at PURPLE FLOWER!!! Mikhail I can't judge yet cuz I haven't met him. xD But he looks stupid.
YOU CAN HAVE ALPACAS IN THIS GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wheee! I named my stuffed one CARL. xD And I heard the you get an owl at some point. So... how's about a list of random achivements?
- Hiro at Blue Flower
- Kana at Purple Flower
- 2 cows, 2 sheep, 2 chickens, 1 chick pending
- Summer 16
- Have orange wonderful
- Caught King Snapper Turtle
- Have about three hearts in town friendship
- Have 1 dog, 1 cat, 1 big dog and the starting pony
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