Epic Updates 4
Heyo! Miffle is back from doing nothing you care about. So guess what! ONLY 4 MORE DAYS 'TIL HARVEST MOON DS GRAND BAAZAR IS OUT!!! WHOOOHOOO!!! Now, on a more... calm note, the petpage system on neopets is up and running again. Ask and you shall recive. So, go to terry32_8's petpage to behold the (under construction) page of links!!! Yay!!! BTW, that over to the left is Terry. I'm really excited because I got into the school I wanted!!! I went to orreantaion today to get all my stuff. (Stuff being PE clothes, textbooks, ID card, and school suplies.) And I know its weird for me to be excited about going back to school, but I don't care. So, bye, I gotta go buy some stocks on neopets now. Durkinshnoff!!!
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