Hey, Miffle is back!!! So, I learned the hard way about farm layout. You really should plan out a good farm or its gonna cost you a lotta time and money. So, its a good idea to put your bird and animal barns along the back, but slow down. Leave at least 1 space behind the barn, and for the end ones, 1 space on the side. This will be for fences. To keep your birds and cattle seperate, put all your bird sheds on one side, and leave a space between the bird and cattle sheds for another fence. Birds just want dirt, so build a fence all the way around your bird sheds, and in front leave a few more spaces so the birds can walk around. Cows and sheep need grass, so after you build the fence around those buildings, plant some grass in front. The fences serve two purposes. One, to keep the animals from wandering off, and two so wild dogs can't scare them. Use stone becase wood will rot. Just so you know, when cows and sheep are in your pasture, they will eat two servings of fodder, but when indoors, will eat only one. Leaving animals outside in sunshine for five hours will make them earn one love point, but leaving them in rain or snow will make them unhappy the next day, and possibly sick. I do not know, nor want to find out what happens to them when outside durring a hurricane or snowstorm. And trust me, it's cheaper all around to use material stone, than risk your animals with lumber and fodder. Having to rebuild it 10 times if far more exspencive than just starting with material stone. I learned that the hard way two. So save your moocows! Miffle out!
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