Sunday, December 19, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Epic Updates 27: Moocow Review!!!
i hazes a new blog!!!!!!!! if u like video games, this is 4 u!!! ALSO DONT FORGET 2 COMMENT 4 PRETTY BIRD ON THE LAST POST! There's still time for the TEQIWYMAE!!!! whats ur epic nickname??????????
Friday, December 10, 2010
Epic Updates 26:Going Away Party
My friend Reina is leaving forever. She's leving me for... other places! *sobs* Well, to say good bye to Pretty Bird, I want every one to post a good bye message on this post! We'll be holding sort of a party on Teusday. I want her to read about everyone she doesn't know saying good bye!!! Don't forget the TEQIWYMAE, what's your epic (appropriate) nickname!!! PLEASE COMMENT FOR PRETTY BIRD!!!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Epic Updates 25:Half Way to Half Way
We are now half way to our half way party!!! We are gonna have an all out party some how when we get to 100 epic updates. Our halfway party will be epic too, just, a little less epic. I know your dissappointed. If you guys have ideas on how we can celebrate 100 epic updates please tell me. Oh, and I thought of a name for the random questions!!! THE EPICAL QUESTION IN WHICH YOU MUST ANSWER EPICALY!!!! It's awesome right? For short its TEQIWYMAE... ummm that's easy to remember right? Just say it 20 times every night before you go to bed and you'll be fine. So todays TEQIWYMAE is... What's your epic nickname? (plz make sure theese are appropriate!!!) Also comment your question for next weeks TEQIWYMAE! Oh, and to see if my friends are acctuly reading this, tell me your nickname I give, that is listed below!
Sami-Pony Reina-Pretty Bird Frankie-Skittles Johnathan-Bannana Alexis-Murderer Alexia-Ducky! These are also the names I will be calling you from now on!!! I gotta eat spahgetti now. And no, I don't care how I spelled the yummeh noodle dish. Plz comment on the TEQIWYMAE!!!
Sami-Pony Reina-Pretty Bird Frankie-Skittles Johnathan-Bannana Alexis-Murderer Alexia-Ducky! These are also the names I will be calling you from now on!!! I gotta eat spahgetti now. And no, I don't care how I spelled the yummeh noodle dish. Plz comment on the TEQIWYMAE!!!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Epic Updates 24: OMFG!!! FOLLOWERS!!!
Hi people who are now following my blog!!! Super exciting! If your not following yet, sucks for you! Ha! Even if you don't follow me, comment! So. Ummm... that's really all I have to say.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Epic Updates 23:Eventfuly Uneventful
Nothing very exciting happened today. Nothing really pops out as exciting or memrable I guess. My morning was bitter sweet. In chorus, Dr. B had everyone get up in front of the class(50ish people) and sing 2 lines from a song. If he thought you were good enough to consider for a solo, he wrote down your name. Well he wrote down my name. So now I'm on his call list for random solos. Which is good in the sence that I'm up there with the really good people, but just singing in front of the class gets my heart pounding. So, I guess I might have a solo in this months Winter Consert, which will consist of much more than 50 people.=8 that's my new smiley. His name is tounge-tied. And then we found a lost dog and returned it to his owner. I have to sleep so bye.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Epic Updates 24: Christmas Spirit
It's still November and we're already decorating. We have garland, musical snowmen, advent calenders, and pine needles galore. I mean, its not like I don;t like it or anything, just, too soon? What do I want for Christmas? For you to comment!!! Jeez. Miffle out.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Epic Updates 21: Harry Potter #7
I saw the 7th movie yesterday and it was super good. Stuck with the book pretty well as far as I can remember. If you are reading these, please comment or vote on the poll below!!! Miffle out!!!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Epic Updates 21:It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time
Yo, it's peanut butter jelly time!! I learned this really cool recipe to turn a pb'n'j sandwitch into a gourmet meal. You will need: bread, peanut butter, jelly, cutting board, knife, rolling pin.
1) Cut the crust of your bread
2) Use your rolling pin to flatten it out until its pretty thin.
3) Spread on the peanut butter and jelly
4) Roll it up nice and tight so its a long log
5) Slice it up into little circles
6) Eat it
BTW, if you ever wondered what they were saying in the pb n j time song... here you go:
It's peanut butter jelly time, peanut butter jelly time, peanut butter jelly time
Where he at 4x
There he go 4x
Peanut butter jelly 4x
Do the peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly,
Peanut butter jelly with a baseball bat 2x
Now, break it down and freeze 4x
Now tic tac toe (uh-huh)
Tic tac toe (let's go)
Tic tac toe (you got it)
Tic tac toe (let's ride)
Now, freestyle, freestyle, freestyle, freestyle, freestyle, your style 2x
Where he at 4x
There he go 4x
1) Cut the crust of your bread
2) Use your rolling pin to flatten it out until its pretty thin.
3) Spread on the peanut butter and jelly
4) Roll it up nice and tight so its a long log
5) Slice it up into little circles
6) Eat it
BTW, if you ever wondered what they were saying in the pb n j time song... here you go:
It's peanut butter jelly time, peanut butter jelly time, peanut butter jelly time
Where he at 4x
There he go 4x
Peanut butter jelly 4x
Do the peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly,
Peanut butter jelly with a baseball bat 2x
Now, break it down and freeze 4x
Now tic tac toe (uh-huh)
Tic tac toe (let's go)
Tic tac toe (you got it)
Tic tac toe (let's ride)
Now, freestyle, freestyle, freestyle, freestyle, freestyle, your style 2x
Where he at 4x
There he go 4x
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Epic Updates 21: Boomm!
BOOMM!!!! Bored out of my mind. That's your new abrv. So, I got an A on my history test today. Yay. (you can just feel the bored, can't you) I'm writing a story. its called Unicorns and Marshmallows. I'll post it/ a link to it when I typed it. Please comment to the question. The question is: What's a better name for the question of the... time period? Miffle Out... to go be bored...
Monday, November 8, 2010
Epic Updates 20: It's Throwin' Me Off
Stupid daylight savings. Even though this is the good one that lets me sleep in, its throwin me off. Thats it. Don't forget to comment on the question, check last post to see question. Srry this is short. Miffle Out!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Epic Updates 19: The Year is Growing Old
Ahh, the holidays. My favorite time of year. You can sleep in an extra hour as of today, stuff yourself with Thanksgiving dinner, decorate for Christmas, then, all off a suden, all your advent calenders have their flashiest ornamet, noises, goodies, ect. and it's Christmas Eve. And then it's Christmas. And then its New Year. And then... its all over. All the food, excitement, presents, poof! Gone. And all you have to look foward to is Valintines Day, St. Patrick's day, Easter, your birthday, and summer. Oh well. That was my rant for the day. Don't forget to comment for the Question of the Time Period. This time periods question, What's a better name for the question of the time period. Miffle OUT!!!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Epic Updates 18: I didn't die 2
Jeez, you need to quit worrying, ok? I'm... busy... yeah, so yeah. I don't have much to say so heres a quote courtesy of Pony. "When throwing bricks in the air, catch them with your hands, not your face." ... okay then.
I'm gonna start doing a question of the... long time... yeah. So this... time period's question is, what's a better name for the question of the time period? Leave your ideas in the comments by clicking on the title and comenting. I will use the best answer next week. If you want to submit your question... go right ahead. Bai!!!
I'm gonna start doing a question of the... long time... yeah. So this... time period's question is, what's a better name for the question of the time period? Leave your ideas in the comments by clicking on the title and comenting. I will use the best answer next week. If you want to submit your question... go right ahead. Bai!!!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Epic Updates 17: Gravity???
Do you ever find that chairs, couches, beds, walls, the floor, and that cookie seem to have their own gravitational pull, especialy when your tierd (or hungry). That would be something I'd ask Mythbusters about. Mostly because it sounds like a lot of work to test and stuff. Here's my newest typo that I like. SHUP!!! It means shut up in one convienent word. Or if your a grammar freak, SHU'P!!!(I added an apostrophe for you nerds...XD) I have a new nickname that I don't like. Emooly. The girl who sits behind me in science thought it was funny to mash my name up with moo. (In case you didn't know, my first name is Emily, I just like Miffle better...) Thus Emooly was born.
I'm being a lime green devil thing for halloween. Puffeh pigtails, green little horns, a green t-sirt, and jeans. Oh, and now anything that ends with a y or ie is now eh, so Emileh, cookeh, puppeh, birdeh, bunneh, puffeh, Mommeh, and so on. I haz runned out of thingz 2 say, so i willz b bak l8r. MIFFLE OUT(and srry 4 mai speeling!!!)
I'm being a lime green devil thing for halloween. Puffeh pigtails, green little horns, a green t-sirt, and jeans. Oh, and now anything that ends with a y or ie is now eh, so Emileh, cookeh, puppeh, birdeh, bunneh, puffeh, Mommeh, and so on. I haz runned out of thingz 2 say, so i willz b bak l8r. MIFFLE OUT(and srry 4 mai speeling!!!)
Monday, October 25, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Epic Updates 15
I didn't have a good day. It was pouring, for one thing. Like really hard, and it still is now. In chorus this morning we got into groups and had to sing a song infrot of the class. We couldn't think of anything so we sang ROY G. BIV from science class. Go watch it, its awesome XD. Speaking of science, today i had to dicect an eyeball. I don't want to relive the smelly disgustingness. Miffle out.
The Greatest Dictionary Ever Made
meh; (n)(adj.); a verbal shrug of the shoulders; don't care; any word you want
EX: Did you like the movie? Meh.
Do you want dinner? Meh.
Hey, when does the movie start? Meh.
Pretty awesome right? I know.
EX: Did you like the movie? Meh.
Do you want dinner? Meh.
Hey, when does the movie start? Meh.
Pretty awesome right? I know.
Friday, October 15, 2010
I'm Didn't Die...
I just have been uber busy for the last... long time. Sure. Now if you are a girl, theres a really cool website called Girls Go Games (or They have dress up games, animal games, platform games, house designer games, random quizes and more. Find one you like! My top three are: Animal Shelter, My New Room 2 and Personal Monster Chekcer. Find your faves today!!!
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Epic Updates 14
I just finished reading a book called Smoky the Cowhorse by Will James. Its about the life of a horse, and his adventures. I think I cried through the last 3 chapeters because he was abused, but then brought back to the cowboy he loved. I really sugest reading it. Its really good once you get used to reading the dielect. Miffle out.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
The Game!!!
You lost the game!!! And, if you don't know what the game is, here you go. The game is not to think about the game. So if you hear, think, or see the word game, you lose. You can play again every ten minutes or so. So, a good stratagy is to walk up to your friends and say, "I lost the game!!!" You lose the game, but it won't kill ya!!! So later!!! I lost teh game!!
Funny Quotes
After Monday and Tuesday, even the callender says W T F
Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils
Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.
Last night I lay in bed looking up at the stars in the sky and I thought to myself, where the heck is the ceiling?
I told the doctor I broke my leg in two places. He told me to quit going to those places.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. It's just that yours is stupid.
Worst excuse for not turning in homework: I couldn't find anyone to copy it from.
The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.
Everyone has photographic memory; some just don't have the film.
If you die in an elevator, be sure to push the Up button!
Karate is a form of martial arts in which people who have had years and years of training can, using only their hands and feet, make some of the worst movies in the history of the world.
PS i no i do karate but the last one was so funny!!!
Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils
Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.
Last night I lay in bed looking up at the stars in the sky and I thought to myself, where the heck is the ceiling?
I told the doctor I broke my leg in two places. He told me to quit going to those places.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. It's just that yours is stupid.
Worst excuse for not turning in homework: I couldn't find anyone to copy it from.
The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.
Everyone has photographic memory; some just don't have the film.
If you die in an elevator, be sure to push the Up button!
Karate is a form of martial arts in which people who have had years and years of training can, using only their hands and feet, make some of the worst movies in the history of the world.
PS i no i do karate but the last one was so funny!!!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Epic Udates 13
I just went to make a card for someone's birthday, so I drew a cow, chicken, chick, cat, and a sheep to put on the card. It was the first time I'd tried drawing them (except the cow of course) and the turned out so darned cute, I decided to keep them and just draw a cow on my card... which is really just sad. So after I color the picture I'll post it. So... later!!!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Epic Updates 12
It's a fantastic moment!!! Year 2 people! And, to make you feel better, once the mayor yelled Happy New Year, and I went to bed, I came right here an wrote this. Because I know you care. And if you don't know what I't talking about, HM DS Grand Bazaar. Later, I gotta go start year 2!!!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Epic Updates 11
Just thought I'd let you know that Harvest Moon GB is still awesome. I'm in winter year 1!!! I lost the game!!!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Happy Faces and Abreviations!!!
Everybody knows that this means happy :) and this means sad :( and this means wink ;). But there's a ton more you don't know!!!
XD embarassed, like after you make a lame joke
=D super happy
=O shocked
=P sticking toung out
(I:I)<--< ninja
Theres also sum abr. u shud no.
TTYL-talk to you later
ROFL-rolling on floor lauging
LMAO-laughing my a** off
ROFLMAO-rolling on floor laughing my a** off
BRB-be right back
WTF-wut the fudge XD
C U L8R-see you later
evar-a more epic ever
SO... now you'll know what I mean. L8R!!!
XD embarassed, like after you make a lame joke
=D super happy
=O shocked
=P sticking toung out
(I:I)<--< ninja
Theres also sum abr. u shud no.
TTYL-talk to you later
ROFL-rolling on floor lauging
LMAO-laughing my a** off
ROFLMAO-rolling on floor laughing my a** off
BRB-be right back
WTF-wut the fudge XD
C U L8R-see you later
evar-a more epic ever
SO... now you'll know what I mean. L8R!!!
The Game!!!!
You lost the game!!! And, if you don't know what the game is, here you go. The game is not to think about the game. So if you hear, think, or see the word game, you lose. You can play again every ten minutes or so. So, a good stratagy is to walk up to your friends and say, "I lost the game!!!" You lose the game, but it won't kill ya!!! So later!!! I lost teh game!!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Cows & Cows & Cows-Cyraik
Here it is if you haven't seen it!!!
Wait... it's not letting me put it up so heres a link...
--->Cow & Cows & Cows <---
Better go watch it or the moocows are gonna getcha!
No more to say...
Wait... it's not letting me put it up so heres a link...
--->Cow & Cows & Cows <---
Better go watch it or the moocows are gonna getcha!
No more to say...
Saturday, September 11, 2010
The Monk Joke
Once there was a guy driving down the road in the middle of nowhere, at night. Suddenly his car breaks down, and he doesn't have a flashlight or cell phone, but he remembers seeing a building about a mile back. So he starts walking back. When he reaches the building, he sees that its a temple for monks. He knocks on the door. Soon, a monk opens the door. "Can I use a phone? My car broke down." The monk agrees and shows him a phone. The guy calls a tow truck company but they say they can't pick up his car untill the morning, so the monk lets him spend the night. That night, the guy keeps hearing a noise, but he can't figure out what it is. In the morning, the guy asks the monk what the noise was, but the monk says "Sorry, but only monks know what the noise is." After the guy gets his car towed home, its night, so he goes to bed, only to hear the noise agian... so he decides to go to monk school. 10 years later he's an official monk, so he goes back to the temple, because he's been hearing the noise all the time. When the monk lets the guy in, he hands him a white key. "Use this to open the south coridor." So the guy takes the key to the south coridor, unlocks it and walks untill he reaches a archway. He goes through the arch way, then through a meadow, finnaly reaching a trap door. But the trap door is locked. So he goes back through the meadow, through the south corridor and back to the monk. The monk hands him a blue key. So the guy goes back through the coridor, through the meadow and unlocks the trapdoor. He travels down 100 stairs to a gate. But the gate is locked. So he goes back up the stairs, through the meadow, through the coridor and back to the monk, who hands him a green key. So the guy goes back through the coridor, through the meadow, down the 100 stairs and unlocks the gate. In front of him is a giant river. Off to the side is a boat house... but... its locked. So he goes back through the gate, up 100 stairs, through the meadow, through the coridor, and back to the monk, who hands him a red key. So, the guy goes back through the coridor, through the meadow, down the 100 stairs, through the gate and unlocks the boathouse. He pulls the boat out and tries to pick up the oars... but those are locked too. So he goes back through the gate, up 100 stairs, through the meadow, through the coridor, and back to the monk, who gives him a purple key. So, the guy goes back through the coridor, through the meadow, down the 100 stairs, through the gate, and unlocks the oars. Then he gets in the boat and starts down the river. As he paddles down the river he sees a green fish and a blue fish. (Please remember the fishes!!!) When he reaches the end of the river, theres a door..., and the noise is right behind the door. But... its locked. SO... he paddles back down the river, up the 100 stairs, through the meadow, through the coridor and back to the monk, who hands him the white key. So, the monk goes back through the coridor, through the meadow, down the 100 stairs, through the gate, geot in the boat and started paddling down the river. As he is floating along, he sees a blue and yellow fish and a white and purple fish. When he gets to the end, he unlocks the door. He steps into a room full of cabnits, and the noise is in one of them. So he opens them all. Finally he gets to the last one...and, what a surprize... its locked. SO he goes through the door, in the boat, down the river, through the gate, up 100 stairs, through the meadow, into the south coridor and to the monk. The monk hands him the orange key. This is it!!! The guy goes through the coridor, through the meadow, down 100 stairs, through the gate, gets in the boat, paddles along and sees a orange fish and a white fish. He springs from his boat runs in the door, opens all the cabinets untill he finds the locked one, and inserts the key. This is the moment you've all been waiting for... highlight inside the arrows with your mouse to see what it was. AND THE NOISE WAS...
--->you want to know? WELL YOU CAN'T!!!! YOUR NOT A MONK!!!!!!!!!!<----
--->you want to know? WELL YOU CAN'T!!!! YOUR NOT A MONK!!!!!!!!!!<----
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Epic Updates 10
Hey!!! I kept a promise!!! I now have the blogs pic album up and running!!! Get your binder/ notebook things there!!!! Plus, later there will be other pics there too!!! Btw,
Anyway, don't have anything else to say!!! Oh!!! If you read my blog, post a comment of what you thought on the latest post. And, answer the poll athe the bottom of the page!!! Miffle out!!!!
Anyway, don't have anything else to say!!! Oh!!! If you read my blog, post a comment of what you thought on the latest post. And, answer the poll athe the bottom of the page!!! Miffle out!!!!
Monday, September 6, 2010
Epic Lyrics
This is a new thing I'll do every once in a while on my blog. I'm gonna post lyrics to random songs. If you have a song in mind, just coment. You'll see them at the bottom of the blog. Just click, "go to bottom"!!! Right now I'll change the songs every few weeks, but later, I might just make a lyrics blog. BTW, I'm using hope you like them. Miffle Out.
P.S. You will NEVER see any Justin Beiber songs here. Bye!
P.P.S. Hopefuly I will have scaned the binder things by tonight. Officialy BYE!!!
P.S. You will NEVER see any Justin Beiber songs here. Bye!
P.P.S. Hopefuly I will have scaned the binder things by tonight. Officialy BYE!!!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Epic Updates 9
Hey people of Earth, FizFaeren and beyond! Miffle is back to tell you a song. Its called "Starkle Starkle!"
Starkle, starkle little twink,
How I wonder what you think!
Up above the world so high,
Think you own the whole dang sky!!!
Starkle, starkle little twink,
Your not so great, that's what I think!!!!
Thank you Elf for teaching me that song. Elf, you know who you are!!! Hippo still @ school? XD
Anyway, I know I keep breaking promises. BUT I am gonna try to scan the pics and binder labels by the 13th... which is blame someone else day, 'case you were wondering. There are losts of cool holidays that no one knows about, so I'll post a link to a page were you can read 'em, and if you have a cool idea for one, tell me. We'll try to fill up the whole calender!!! Miffle OUT!!!
Starkle, starkle little twink,
How I wonder what you think!
Up above the world so high,
Think you own the whole dang sky!!!
Starkle, starkle little twink,
Your not so great, that's what I think!!!!
Thank you Elf for teaching me that song. Elf, you know who you are!!! Hippo still @ school? XD
Anyway, I know I keep breaking promises. BUT I am gonna try to scan the pics and binder labels by the 13th... which is blame someone else day, 'case you were wondering. There are losts of cool holidays that no one knows about, so I'll post a link to a page were you can read 'em, and if you have a cool idea for one, tell me. We'll try to fill up the whole calender!!! Miffle OUT!!!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Epic Updates 8
Hello world!!! I know I haven't posted any pics yet. You just have to wait!!!! Unless you want everything to be on lined paper you gotta wait. I'm sorry. So, today I took the easiest spelling test evar!!! It had words like overnight and sailboat!!! I mean really!!! Way to easy! So... that's all the interesting stuff I have to say, so here's what I'm listening to!!!
Teenage Dream-Katy Perry
Jar of Hearts-Christina Perri
Break Your Heart-Taio Cruz
About You Now-Miranda Cosgrove
So, yeah. TTYL
Teenage Dream-Katy Perry
Jar of Hearts-Christina Perri
Break Your Heart-Taio Cruz
About You Now-Miranda Cosgrove
So, yeah. TTYL
Friday, August 27, 2010
A poem about cheese...
Hey, I don't have much to say so I thought I would write a poem about cheese. Here it is:
Chesse is nice.
It atracts mice.
It does not give you lice.
It goes good with rice.
It can be named Bryce.
It doen't smell like dice.
Cheese is nice.
Chesse is nice.
It atracts mice.
It does not give you lice.
It goes good with rice.
It can be named Bryce.
It doen't smell like dice.
Cheese is nice.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Epic Updates 7
Hey! Sorry I didn't post yesterday, was busy gettin ready for the first day of school and playing Grand Bazaar. HM Grand Bazaar is so awesome!!! The graphics are great, you have a lot more fredom in your movements, the bazaar concept is really cool, it's just awesome. Completely worth anoying you guys about for the last 7 or so posts. The caracters, especially the main girl are so cute!!! All the people who live in Zephyr town are cute too!!! BTW, those people over there are the main characters.(You can choose to be a boy or girl) Oh, and another intesting point, I looked up Zephyr, and it actully means a light breeze or wind. Huh. The do mention that in the game but I thought it could be in Japanese or something but no! Its pronoused zeh-fer I think. Any ways, the thing that make or breaks the game for me; the cows! And it makes the game for me people!!! They are still super cute!!! Now on a still cowish note, I'm thinking about putting up images for you to put in your binders, on your notebook, inside your books, whatever. It'll be a cool picture, like a cow, with a speach bubble, or a spot on its side for you to write stuff. Like "MATH, per. 5" or "BOB'S BINDER" or "THIS BOOK BELONGS TO JOE SHMOE" so people know its yours. I might also do some dragon ones, and happy faces and stuff too. Hopefully I can get those up this weekend. But now I'm busy and stuff with school and karate practice and stuff. I don't think I've told you that I do karate yet, I'm a brown belt!!! We are practicing for a tournamant again, and theres practice on Saturday or possibly Sunday and it ranges from an hour and a half to 5 hours so cut me some slack. Plus now with homework and karate every night, I have very little time to right, so I'm sorry if I miss a post. I think I've ranted enough now, so bye!!!
PS: You can click the "go to bottom" and "back to top" buttons. XD Miffle out!!!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Epic Updates 6!!!
Ok, gonna make this quick. We just called GameStop and they said they have the game so in a few minutes we are gonna go pick it up!!!! *does a happy dance* I'll check in later!!! Miffle out!!!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Hey, Miffle here!!! So... I'll try to say this as calmly as possible. *takes deep breath*
Just in case you forgot. But you wouldn't forget, would you. That's really all I have to say, so bye!
Just in case you forgot. But you wouldn't forget, would you. That's really all I have to say, so bye!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
The Many Uses of Epic/ Epic Updates 5
Epic is a word that can be used in many ways. I have provided a list of deffinitions of epic and simmalar words.
Epic-dramatic, exciting
Epic fail-dramaticly failing
Epicly-the act of doing something dramaticly, i.e: He epicly failed that test.
Epic face hit-when ever someone gets hit in the face with something
Epic dive-when someone dives to catch someting but fails or catchs it then drops it
Epical-another way of saying epic, i.e:That was epical!
Heyo! I don't have a lot of time and a lot to say so I'll make this quick. Tuesday is the day!!! You know what happens then! HMDS Grand Baazar!!! Hopefuly by tomarow I'll have drawings posted. I have to go so BAI!!!
Epic-dramatic, exciting
Epic fail-dramaticly failing
Epicly-the act of doing something dramaticly, i.e: He epicly failed that test.
Epic face hit-when ever someone gets hit in the face with something
Epic dive-when someone dives to catch someting but fails or catchs it then drops it
Epical-another way of saying epic, i.e:That was epical!
Heyo! I don't have a lot of time and a lot to say so I'll make this quick. Tuesday is the day!!! You know what happens then! HMDS Grand Baazar!!! Hopefuly by tomarow I'll have drawings posted. I have to go so BAI!!!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Epic Updates 4

I'm really excited because I got into the school I wanted!!! I went to orreantaion today to get all my stuff. (Stuff being PE clothes, textbooks, ID card, and school suplies.) And I know its weird for me to be excited about going back to school, but I don't care. So, bye, I gotta go buy some stocks on neopets now. Durkinshnoff!!!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Epic Updates 3
Hey people!!! Guess what I found! An awesome cow video!!! So awesome, I'm gonna misspell awesome. AWSUM!!! Anyway, if you go on, search "cows & cows & cows" or cyraik. I'm gonna go let you see how tottaly fricken AWSUM it is.
I know I keep saying I'll post some drawings of cows and dragons and horses (oh my!) but I just haven's had the chance. I'll do it soon. I swear.
The edit homepage feature on neopets hasn't been working lately. It's ticking me off cuz I wanna make a page 'o' links for personal use. I gotta go do nothing you care about so BAI!!!

PS: Do you like the random pic of my lupe (the one I wanna paint spotted)? Her name is lavfox85 and she's awesome. Her nickname is Lavi!!! CHOW!!!
I know I keep saying I'll post some drawings of cows and dragons and horses (oh my!) but I just haven's had the chance. I'll do it soon. I swear.
The edit homepage feature on neopets hasn't been working lately. It's ticking me off cuz I wanna make a page 'o' links for personal use. I gotta go do nothing you care about so BAI!!!

PS: Do you like the random pic of my lupe (the one I wanna paint spotted)? Her name is lavfox85 and she's awesome. Her nickname is Lavi!!! CHOW!!!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Epic Updates 2

Hey people! What's up? I just started Final Fantasy XIII and it's really cool. The graphics are amazing, and the battle system is awesome. I'm not very far, but I can tell it'll be really good. On another random note, my brother also was playing Deal or No Deal for the Wii and that, it's just wierd. I got to go do my dailies on Neopets so, bye!!! Beware the Moocows!!!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Epic Updates 1

Hey people!!! Miffle is back!!! So, guess what! HARVEST MOON GRAND BAZAAR comes out on the 24th!!! I preordered it from Gamestop and got a cool horse stuffed animal. I named it Sami. Too bad wasn't a cow, but I still love it! I learned how to draw a cow! I'll post a pic soon. Any way, I've gotten back in to Neopets lately, pink_62 if your curious. Right now I'm saving up for a spotted paint brush for my lupe. (see top) On another epicly random note, my brother just got a ton of nerf guns for his birthday. So he put a red plastic cup on the stairs and is trying to shoot it with his huge sniper thing. So then I pull out a litte pistol, cock it, and fire. Knock it right down. First shot. Boom, boom, pow. I got to go to bed, so chow! Durkinshnoff!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Harvest Moon DS Cute:Cows

Heyo! Miffle is back again, to bring you all you need to know about hmds cows. First things first. They are soooooooo cute!!! Now, just note that cows don't have strawberries in the game. XD It was the only image I could find. Anyway cows need food everyday, so leave fodder in their feed bins. If you leave a cow outside it will find fully grown grass to eat. When you buy a cow from Rick, it will be a medium cow. In a week, it will be an adult, and ready to milk. There are 3 cow colors, Basic (black spots) Marble (Black spots with pink patches) and Brown. If there is a certian color you want, save before you order your cow. If it is not the color you wanted, just reload and try again. Cows need love and care, so at least talk to your feifer everyday. If you have a brush, you can also use that to keep her happy. And if you pet and brush her with the touch glove, she'll love you in no time at all. Obviously, you bought the cow for her milk, so equip the milker and hit Y to use it. Depending on your milker's level you can get anywhere from 1 to 100 bottles of milk from just one cow. Again you can use the touch glove to get medium and large bottles of milk. Milk can be turned into yougurt or cheese with the yougurt and cheese makers from Gray. Cows live in Animal barns, with sheep. hope this info helps you!!! Miffle out!!!
Harvest Moon DS Cute-Farm Layout:Animal Sheds

Hey, Miffle is back!!! So, I learned the hard way about farm layout. You really should plan out a good farm or its gonna cost you a lotta time and money. So, its a good idea to put your bird and animal barns along the back, but slow down. Leave at least 1 space behind the barn, and for the end ones, 1 space on the side. This will be for fences. To keep your birds and cattle seperate, put all your bird sheds on one side, and leave a space between the bird and cattle sheds for another fence. Birds just want dirt, so build a fence all the way around your bird sheds, and in front leave a few more spaces so the birds can walk around. Cows and sheep need grass, so after you build the fence around those buildings, plant some grass in front. The fences serve two purposes. One, to keep the animals from wandering off, and two so wild dogs can't scare them. Use stone becase wood will rot. Just so you know, when cows and sheep are in your pasture, they will eat two servings of fodder, but when indoors, will eat only one. Leaving animals outside in sunshine for five hours will make them earn one love point, but leaving them in rain or snow will make them unhappy the next day, and possibly sick. I do not know, nor want to find out what happens to them when outside durring a hurricane or snowstorm. And trust me, it's cheaper all around to use material stone, than risk your animals with lumber and fodder. Having to rebuild it 10 times if far more exspencive than just starting with material stone. I learned that the hard way two. So save your moocows! Miffle out!
animal sheds,
farm layout,
Hey, hows it goin' people? I'm doin just fine! So, heres the deal. If there are 6 things I love, it's dragons, Harvest Moon, Greek mythology, complaining, random stuff, and stuffed animals. SO thats wat Ill be talking about here! C U L8R!!!!
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